
Save the date for BIM Skills Workshop, 14th October 2021 at 11.00!

The Joint Conference CIB W78 – LDAC 2021 will take place in Luxembourg between 11-15 October 2021 and is associated with the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB), its Working Commission W78 on Information Technology for Construction and the Linked Data in Architecture and Construction research community. This event is organized by the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) in collaboration with Cardiff University (UK) and the European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP).

The 38th CIB W78 conference on Information and Communication Technologies for AECO and the 8th LDAC workshop aim to bring together an international community of researchers and industrials interested in the areas of Construction Informatics, BIM, Digital Twin and Knowledge Management. The scope of the conference is broad in terms of the design, construction and operation and occupancy of constructed facilities, but it primarily relates to the integration and communication of data, information and knowledge in the life cycle of a facility.*


INSTRUCT project along with 3 other sister projects: SeeTheSkills, BIM2TWIN and BIMzED organise a workshop devoted to BIM skills, digital tools in this area, the link between energy efficiency and training in the construction sector, revision of DTC concept and challenges that come with it. Join us by registering HERE!

Date: Thursday, 14 October 2021

Room: Chapelle, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg


  • 11.00 – Introduction
    Łukasz Wilczyński, ASM Market Research and Analysis Centre
  • 11.05 – SEEtheSkills
    Title: SEEtheSkills actions for increasing the VALUE of energy skills – BIM digital tools as the missing link between energy efficient construction and strive for upskilling – Lihnida Stojanovska-Georgievska, University Ss Cyril and Methodius

    Description: Having developed programmes for energy skills and training courses in place that provide certification for building professionals, is usually not enough to increase the interest in trainees and related market demand. In fact actions for increasing the value of skills are necessary. SEEtheSkills as H2020 action, supports the initiative for reinforcing the link between skills and energy quality of construction, through presenting the benefits of employing skilled workers, that will promote the value of energy skills by presenting their role in energy sustainability of buildings. A promising tool to be used are digital BIM tools, which can furthermore by using BIM modelling, propose various scenarios for reduction of performance gap with implementing corresponding energy efficiency measures.
  •  11.20 – INSTRUCT
    Title: Digital Technologies to Advance Energy Efficiency Trainings & Education in the Construction Sector
    Irini Barbero, Cardiff University

    Description: The presentation will look into demonstrating the link between energy efficiency and training in the construction sector, in the EU. The main objective is to evidence the necessary prerequisites for developing digital instruments required to coordinate efforts for delivering energy efficiency education.
  • 11.35 – BIM2TWIN
    Title: Digital Twin Construction – A New Paradigm – Rafael Sacks, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

    Description: Digital Twin Construction (DTC) is a paradigm for the construction industry in which production is planned and controlled with the support of extensive data collected from the supply chains and the site which provides comprehensive situational awareness for all.  In theory, better situational awareness, i.e. knowing what is happening on and off site with great detail, supports better decisions by people when it comes to making changes to the production system on site. This presentation will review the concept of DTC, explain its various components and the potential for platform businesses to emerge to manage production in projects according to DTC principles and technologies.

  • 11.55 – BIMzED
    Title: BIMzeED – Education for Nearly zero-energy buildings using Building Information Modelling
    Srećko Vrček, North-West Croatia Regional Energy Agency (REGEA)

    Description: The BIMzeED project focuses on the training needs for the current and future construction industry with the main purpose to encourage: 1) better employability,  2) low-carbon growth, 3) green and NZEB skills, 4) increase in youth employment. The BIMzeED project developed and will pilot 12 Learning Units within the aim of increasing understandings of BIM/NZEB within existing construction training curricula. BIMzeED will train and up skill 120 educators at European HEIs and VETs by piloting the new learning resources and training materials. Also, BIMzeED will pilot 12 Learning Units with 400-500 construction students, site managers, craftworkers and other experienced operatives therefore improving their employability. The project developed an E-Learning Portal that has access through the BIMzeED project website.

  • 12.10 – Q&A session
  • 12.20 – Wrap up and conclusions
Main organiser and contact:
  • Agnieszka Mikołajczyk, International PR Manager, ASM Market Research and Analysis Centre
  • Included in the conference registration fee (you can use one-day registration if you wish to attend only the workshop and the other events on a single day)

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